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Ken Fisher: Statistical Analysis With Correlation Coefficient , Forbes, 9/30/11
Italy is Not Greece, TheStreet, 9/29/11
The Wealth Gap is an Entirely Political Invention, RealClearMarkets, 9/29/11
The Dynamics of Bank Lending, The Street, 9/23/11
Buffet's New AMT, Forbes, 9/23/11 |
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MarketMinder provides a one-stop source for critical and unique financial information, helping individuals stay current, think ahead, and become better investors. MarketMinder is operated by the in-house research staff of Fisher Investments, a multi-billion dollar independent money management firm based in Woodside, CA. |
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| Sept. 30, 2011 MarketMinder Weekly Digest
A re-cap of this week's commentary and news highlights. |
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Easing On Down the Eurozone Road, 09/30/2011
Although much remains to be done, the eurozone made incremental improvements to its various debt woes Thursday.
Trifling With Transaction Taxes, 09/29/2011
European officials announced a proposal Wednesday that would implement an EU-wide financial transaction tax. While ill-advised in our view, if implemented, it's an incremental negative markets likely overcome.
Taxing Regulation, 09/28/2011
Here's a look around the web at America's overly complicated tax and regulatory codes--and a comparison to put them in perspective.
What Matters in Greek Chatter?, 09/27/2011
We survey the latest Greek headlines and sift between those stories with substance…and those without.
Differentiating Europe's Periphery, 09/26/2011
While peripheral Europe is often referred to collectively, this obscures the fact the issues confronted are different in magnitude, severity, potential resolutions and progress.
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European Bank Funding Markets,09/26/2011
By Jarred Kriz
For several months, many have said European banks are having issues with US dollar-based funding. And to an extent, they've been right, but that's not the whole story.
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Sensible Stories:
US Growth Revised Higher for Q2, Jobless Claims Drop, 09/29/2011
By Shobhana Chandra, Bloomberg
MarketMinder's View: While likely not the gangbusters number most would prefer, growth is still growth. And history shows growth hardly ever happens in a straight line. Combined with an (also unevenly) improving jobs number, the data continue to point to economic growth and argue against a return to recession in the near future.
The Tale of Two PIIGS, Continued, 09/29/2011
By Scott Grannis, Seeking Alpha
MarketMinder's View: This highlights well the differences between Greece and the other PIIGS, namely Ireland. While Ireland's returned to growth, Greece continues to face significant challenges--and credit markets essentially tell that story.
Every Job Requires an Entrepreneur, 09/28/2011
By Charles R. Schwab, The Wall Street Journal
MarketMinder's View: "As we did after 1974, our country can and will thrive again. But the leaders of both parties, Republicans and Democrats alike, must lend their voices to encourage and support private enterprise, both for what it can do to turn our economy around and for the spirit of opportunity it represents." Well said! |
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|  | Market Misperceptions:
To Ease the Crisis, Tax Financial Transactions, 09/29/2011
By Philippe Douste-Blazy, The New York Times
MarketMinder's View: This starts from an incorrect assumption--that trading somehow sparked 2008's global financial crisis--and largely falls apart from there. Taxes aren't the great levelers many assume them to be--and implementing taxes as a form of revenge for financial institutions' assumed role in the 2008 crisis hardly seems a recipe for sound legislation.
The Recession Has Been Here for Awhile; Here's the Proof, 09/28/2011
By Constantine von Hoffman, BNET
MarketMinder's View: We'd quibble with much of this "proof," which cites actual GDP growth as evidence of a recession. But perhaps the most suspect evidence, in our view, is the tally of newspaper articles mentioning the word "recession"--to us, this says little to nothing about the true state of the economy and more about the true state of media.
Tallying the Toll of US-China Trade, 09/27/2011
By Justin Lahart, The Wall Street Journal
MarketMinder's View: There are numerous problems with the methodology described by this study. But most importantly, as the article points out, the study fails to account for many of free trade's benefits since they are often not directly measurable. What's the value of getting cheaper intermediary goods? What's the value to a consumer of having greater choice?
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