string[] snake = SplitWords(txtSymbols.Text);
if (snake[0] == "")
MessageBox.Show("You must enter a symbol in the 'Add Symbol to Grid' text box");
string schlong = "";
foreach (string s in snake)
schlong = schlong + s;
StartStop = false;
string dng = "worked";
//string schlong = listView1.Items[1].Text;
//listView1.Items[1].Text = "dong";
//listView1.Items[1].Text = "dong";
//StockData s = ticker.AddStock(command.Text);
//string strSymbol = s.Symbol;
//string strBid = Convert.ToString(s.Summary.Bid);
//string strAsk = Convert.ToString(s.Summary.Ask);
//string strLast = Convert.ToString(s.Summary.LastPrice);
//string strVolume = Convert.ToString(s.Summary.Volume);
//string strTrades = Convert.ToString(s.Summary.Trades);
//txtSymbol.Text = strSymbol;
//txtBid.Text = strBid;
//txtAsk.Text = strAsk;
//txtLast.Text = strLast;
//txtVolume.Text = strVolume;
//txtTrades.Text = strTrades;
//dataGridView1.Rows.Insert(0, strSymbol, strBid, strAsk, strLast, strVolume, strTrades);
static string[] SplitWords(string s)
return Regex.Split(s, @"\W+");
private void ThreadProcSafe()