Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Dear Lloyd Blankfein You suck as an idea, as a human being and as a boss. You are always telling us to try and find ways of improving the company’s image, but how can we do this if our company is regularly misleading investors, looting the national treasury, enforcing cruel capitalist practices throughout the world. How can we improve the company’s image, when all of our former executives are working in the government to reinforce the company’s hegemony. How can we improve the company’s image, when billions are paid in bonuses to partners even as we loot the treasury. How can I make this piece of shit company look as if it is respectable, when every other day a new shady action is revealed in the mass media. I hope we go bankrupt, I hope we shut down business, I hope you lose your job because I cannot live with myself anymore, I cannot live with the idea that our actions in commodities and other divisions are driving human beings to starve to death. Of course you