"Paid upon completion" (paid nothing until completion) is always a red flag: be forewarned. I'd be more than happy to discuss my interview experiences at Picoco with whomever.Email Me. Also, I can forward you all of our internal correspondence. I would like to help people avoid having to go through what I went through.
Picoco will also burn out all of your references by calling them incessantly, with total disregard to the fact that your references will only serve as references a certain number of times before they have reached a limit.
Here are some more bizarre, shady facts for you: No one at Picoco will offer you a business card. All of Dr. Fariborz employees appeared visibly frightened by him. Allegedly, some ex-Goldman Sachs employees work there, whom I never saw. When you interview there, you will strangely be cloistered away in a cul-de-sac, and never see where your interviewers came from. They will appear mysteriously, without warning. Note: Running one's credit repeatedly, or over some average determined by the 3 big credit agencies, lowers one credit score.
You'll have to spend considerable time taking a personality profile, having your credit reviewed, relinquishing your driver's license number, social security number, signing a long document authorizing the search firm to contact your neighbors, friends, past & present employers, family, spouses, children, teachers, educational institutions, etc., etc.
I also question Dr. Fariborz's programming ability, judging by the questions he was trying to ask me and also by the consulting proposal to program an electronic medical records application so beyond the capacity of a single human being that he can't possibly have a solid understanding of programming. I strongly suspect that he made his initial fortune by taking the credit of work completed by other programmers & technologists.
Make sure to read their contracts carefully.